Friday 130329

Reminder:  The 4:30 and 5;45 Class are cancelled do to the Open.  We will be performing Open WOD 13.4 during the night classes.  The gym will open at 4:30 and heats will begin at 5:15.  In addition Root2Table will be at the gym, with samples of their menu.  Please make sure to come early, sign up for a heat time and bring your appetite.

In addition Happy Birthday to Alex, do to 13.4 scheduled we’ll make up his b-day WOD shortly.

Warm up:

3 Rds NFT w/empty Barbell:

  • Haulting Clean Deadlift to mid thigh x 3
  • Hang Clean High Pull x 3
  • High Hang Muscle Clean x 3
  • Power Clean x 3
  • Shoulder Press x 3
  • Push Jerk x 3
  • Sit Ups x 5


6 Sets: (Every 30 Seconds For 3 Minutes)

  • 1 Power Clean & Push Jerk @ 145-165/100-115
  • 2 Toe to Bar


Benchmark Friday!!!“Open WOD 13.4″AMRAP in 7 Minutes:

  • 3 Clean & Jerk 135/95
  • 3 Toe to Bar
  • 6 Clean & Jerk
  • 6 Toe to Bar
  • 9 Clean & Jerk
  • 9 Toe to Bar
  • 12 Clean & Jerk
  • 12 Toe to Bar
  • ……..21, 21


  • 10 Minutes Mobility