Saturday, September 4, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Complete:

A) AMRAP in 10 Minutes

100m Run

50 ft. Sled/Plate Push

*Partner alternate full rounds

Rest 3 Minutes

B) For Time:

9 Muscle Up or Shoot Throughs

9 Double DB Devil’s Press 50/35

7 Muscle Up or Shoot Throughs

7 Double DB Devil’s Press

5 Muscle Up or Shoot Throughs

5 Double DB Devil’s Press

*Partner A completes 9/9 section, then partner B completes 9/9 section. Once partner B is finished, partner A will then complete the 7/7 section followed by partner B who will perform 7/7. Once both partners have completed the 5/5 section time is done.

Rest 3 Minutes

C) For Time:

600m Run

300ft. Sled/Plate Push

*Partners run together. May break up sled/plate push as they wish. (12x25ft.)


Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Complete:

A) AMRAP in 10 Minutes

100m Run

50 ft. Sled/Plate Push

*Partner alternate full rounds

Rest 3 Minutes

B) For Time:

9 Ring Muscle Up

9 Double DB Devil’s Press 50/36

7 Ring Muscle Up

7 Double DB Devil’s Press

5 Ring Muscle Up

5 Double DB Devil’s Press

*Partner A completes 9/9 section, then partner B completes 9/9 section. Once partner B is finished, partner A will then complete the 7/7 section followed by partner B who will perform 7/7. Once both partners have completed the 5/5 section time is done.

Rest 3 Minutes

C) For Time:

600m Run

300ft. Sled/Plate Push

*Partners run together. May break up sled/plate push as they wish. (12x25ft.)

D) 3 Sets:

Low Incline Board/Foam Roller Close Grip Bench Press x 3-5

Feet Elevated Parallette Handstand Push Ups x Max Reps

Band Pull a Parts x 20

Ab Rollouts x 12-18

Rest 2:30

E) 3 Sets:

Single Arm DB Chainsaw Row x 8-10 Each

Shoulder Raise Complex x 6-8 each (front, lateral, bent over lateral, upright row)

Reverse Hypers x 8-12

F) 2-3 Sets:

Crossbody DB Curl x 8-12 each

Triceps Extension x 12-15

Single arm farmers carry x 40 yards each