Monday, September 6, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

2 set

Banded Lateral Steps x 10 each

Banded Pull a Parts x 10 each

Banded Glute Bridge x 10

Banded Diagonal Pull a Parts x 10 each

Banded Goblet Squat @3111 x 5

Wall Supported Handstand x 20-30 Seconds

B) 4 Sets:

Back Squat 5-5-3-Max Reps (1+)

Front Rack Step Ups x 6 each

Set 1 = 60%

Set 2 = 70%

Set 3 = 80%

Set 4 = 90%

C) 3 Sets:

Barbell RDL @3111 x 4

Shoulders + Heels Elevated Banded or Weighted Hip Thrusts x 8-12 (

D) 3 Sets

In 90 Seconds Perform

10 DB Deadlift

8 DB Step Ups (4/4)

6 DB Deadlift

4 DB Step Up (2/2)

In Remaining Time


Medball Squat Jumps (Goal is to have 30-40 seconds for AMRAP.

Adjust accordingly. Can hold anyway you wish)

Rest 3 Minutes