Friday, September 3, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle

Metcon (No Measure)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE x 15 each

Banded Face Pulls x 15

Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10

Hand to Hand Russian KB Swings x 10

Tempo Goblet Squat @3211 x 5

Alternating Reverse V-Up + Reverse Knee to Elbow x 10

B1) 4 Sets:

Deadlift x 3-3-3-Max Reps (3+)

Set 1 = 55%

Set 2 = 65%

Set 3 = 75%

Set 4 = 85% (Should be a weight you can perform at least 5 reps with)

B2) 4 Sets:

Single Arm Crossbody DB RDL x 8 each (use assistance for balance. The goal with this is to allow for heavier load and for balance not to be limiting factor)

C1) 3 Sets:

Bulgarian Split Squat @2111 x 5 each

C2) 3 Sets:

Wt. Hip Extension @3112 x 8-12 or Good Mornings @3111 x 8-12

C3) 3 Sets:

Floor Wipers w/Plate x 20 (

D) 3 Sets:

6 Landmine Lateral Lunge Each (

18 Hand to Hand Russian KB Swing

12 Landmine Squat (

24 Alternating Single Leg V-Up

Rest 2 Minutes