Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each

Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each

GHD Hip Extension x 10-15

Goblet Cossack Squat @2211 x 5

Alternating Single Leg V-Ups x 10 ea.

B) 5 Sets:: (Every 90 Seconds)

2 Position Snatch (Above knee, Floor) + Overhead Squat

C) 2 Sets: EMOM

Minute 1 – 30 seconds Max Bike or Rowing for calories

Minute 2 – 30 seconds Max Reps KB Swing to Goble Squat (

Minute 3 – 30 seconds Max Reps Sit Ups

Minute 4 – Rest

Rest 1 Minute

5 Sets: (Every 3 minutes)

-Number of calories completed during 30 second max effort bike or row

-Number of KB Swing to Goblet Squat during 30 second max effort

-Number of Sit Ups completed during 30 second max effort


Metcon (No Measure)

A) 2 Sets:

Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each

Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each

GHD Hip Extension x 10-15

Single Arm Overhead Squat @3111 x 6-8 each

Alternating Single Leg V-Ups x 10 ea.

B) 3 Sets:

Overhead Squat @2111 x 8

4 Sets:

Deadlift x 5 (Build to RPE 6-7)

Bulgarian Single Leg DEADLIFT x 5 each

Cross Banded Face Pull to External Rotation + Y Press x 5

Cross Banded Face Pull x 5

Cross Banded T’s x 5

Reverse Banded Snow Angels x 5

Reverse Banded Blackburns x 5

C) 2 Sets:

10x jump to hollow->glide->arch

5 Medball Candlestick Roll Ups

10x jump to hollow->glide->arch->pull to hips

5 Candlestick Roll Ups

10x bar pull overs

* scaling:

10 Rolling Pistols (5/5)

Bar Muscle Up + 2 Chest to Bar Pull Ups + 4 Toe to Bar x 3-5


2-3x (12-18 total reps) Small amplitude butterfly movement progressively bigger to CTB over 6 swings


3 rounds

15 Seconds bar hollow body hang

15 Seconds rest

15 Seconds L sit (parallettes)

15 Seconds rest

30 Seconds DB Curls

C) 4 Sets:


400m mod/fast

200m easy

Rest 2min recovery walk


4 Sets

200m mod/fast

100m easy