Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

A) 1 Sets:

Elbow on Knee DB/Plate External Rotation x 10-12

Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MBf7q-ksRw)

Single Arm DB Upright Row x 12

Side Lying Hip Adduction x 15 each

Single arm overhead carry x 45 yards

B) 3 Sets: (Every 2:30)

Push Press or Push Jerk

Set 1 = 3 Reps @ 75%

Set 2 = 3 Reps @ 85%

Set 3 = Max Reps @ 95% ((Shoot for 3+ Reps. If not sure on percentages, build over 3 sets to a weight you can perform a minimum of 3 reps with but no more than 8)

12-16 Alternating Supine High Row + Supinated Grip Low Row (6-8 each)

C) AMRAP in 4 Minutes

16 Double Unders

4 Handstand Push Up

4 Burpee

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

16 Double Unders

5 Dips

5 Burpee

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 6 Minutes

16 Double Unders

6 Push Ups

6 Burpee

*Pick up where you left off on previous set.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

A) 1 Sets:

Elbow on Knee DB/Plate External Rotation x 10-12

Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MBf7q-ksRw)

Single Arm DB Upright Row x 12

Side Lying Hip Adduction x 15 each

Single arm overhead carry x 45 yards

B) 3 Sets:

Power Clean + 5-4-3 Push Press

Standing Banded Foam Roll Thoracic Extension Internal/External Rotation x 10

5 Sets:

Clean lift off to knee + Clean lift off to mid thigh + Clean + Jerk @ 70-85%

4 Sets:

Close Grip Bench Press x 5-4-3 (building)

Single arm trap 3 raise x 8 each

C) 3 Sets:

Weight Strict Supinated Grip Pull Ups x 4

Rest 15 Seconds

Drop Set Strict Unbroken Chest to Bar x 12-15 (Use band for assistance. Yes perform UB. Goal is to build strength and endurance through fuller ROM)

C) AMRAP in 7 Minutes

12 Calorie Row

12 Handstand Push Up (Males use 2″ deficit)

12 GHD Sit Ups

Rest 2:30

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

9 Calorie Row

9 Handstand Push Ups (Males Use 2″ Deficit

9 GHD Sit Ups

Rest 2:30

AMRAP in 3 Minutes

6 Calorie Row

6 Handstand Push Ups (Males Use 2″ Deficit

6 GHD Sit Ups

*Pick up where you left off on previous set.