Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle
Metcon (No Measure)
Warm Up
A) 2 Sets:
Bent Over DB/Plate Cuban Press x 5
Banded Lateral Steps x 10
Scapular Pull Ups x 5
Banded Good Mornings x 10
Supine Ring Row x 5-10
Russian KB Swing x 10
Overhead Medball Slam x 5
Upper Body Bias
A1) In 6 Sets:
Build to today’s Heavy 5-7 RM of Tempo 1 ¼ DB Bench @3111(3 seconds down, 3 pause, 1 second up, 1 second pause)
A2) 1 Set:
After you complete your heaviest set. Drop weight 10% and perform 1 AMRAP Set @1111 Tempo. Perform Regular DB Bench not 1 ¼ (stay with tempo, once you break from tempo or form, set is complete.)
B) 3 Sets:
Tempo Push Up or Dip Variation @2111 x 12-20 (2 seconds down, 2 pause, 1 second up, 1 second pause, use assistance if need be)
Band Pull a Parts x 15
C1) 3 Sets:
Single Arm DB Row @ 2111 x 10-12
C2) 3 Sets:
Prone on Flat Bench Iso Hold Y-W-T’s x 10-20 Seconds (Face down on bench or floor)
*No weight
D1) 3 Sets:
Iso-Dynamic DB Lateral Raise x 10 ea.
D2) 3 Sets:
Biceps Curl Variation x 12-15