Monday, March 8, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A)Mini Band/Banded Shoulder Series

10 Banded Lateral Steps (Each)

10 Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts

10 Steps Banded Monster Walk Forward/Backwards (Each)

10 Supinated Grip Diagonal Band Pull a Parts

10 Banded Glute Bridges (Just below knee)

10 Supinated Grip Elbows by side external Rotation

10 Single Leg Banded Glute Bridges (Each)

10 Overhead Band Pull a Parts

10 Banded Bird Dogs

10 Banded Pass Through

10 Banded Squats

B) For Time:

10 Rds

1 Squat Snatches 155/105

3 Power Clean and Jerks 155/105

15 Double Unders

1 Squat Clean and Jerk

3 Power Snatch

15 Double Unders

C) 8 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

Back Squat x 3 @ 80-85%%

D) 3 Sets:

Front Squat x 2 @ 95-101%%

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Mini Band/Banded Shoulder Series

10 Banded Lateral Steps (Each)

10 Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts

10 Steps Banded Monster Walk Forward/Backwards (Each)

10 Supinated Grip Diagonal Band Pull a Parts

10 Banded Glute Bridges (Just below knee)

10 Supinated Grip Elbows by side external Rotation

10 Single Leg Banded Glute Bridges (Each)

10 Overhead Band Pull a Parts

10 Banded Bird Dogs

10 Banded Pass Through

10 Banded Squats

B) 4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

2 Position Power Snatch (just below knee + floor) + Overhead Squat + Power Snatch w/pause in receiving position to overhead squat


6-8 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull + 6-8 Russian KB Swings

4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

2 Position Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Clean w/pause in receiving position to front squat + Jerk


5 Deadlift + 5 Goblet Squat

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:

3 Power Snatch

3 Power Clean & Jerk

15 Double Unders

1 Squat Snatch

1 Squat Clean & Jerk

15 Double Unders


AMRAP in 10 Minutes

5 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

5 Russian KB Swing

15 Double Unders

5 Deadlift

5 KB Goblet Squat

15 Double Unders