Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a Partner Complete
AMRAP in 28 Minutes
70 Calorie Row
60 Toe to Bar
50 Wall Ball
40 Power Clean 135/95
30 Muscle Up or Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Up
*1 Partner works while other runs 200m.
Right Into:
In Remaining Time AMRAP
9 Double DB Deadlift 50/35
6 Double DB Push Jerk
3 Double DB Lunge Each
*1 Partner performs Triplet while other partner performs dead hang from pull up bar. Partner must be hanging from bar for partner to work on triplet.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a Partner Complete
AMRAP in 28 Minutes
80 Calorie Row
70 Toe to Bar
60 Wall Ball
50 Power Clean 135/95
40 Ring Muscle Up
*1 Partner works while other runs 200m.
Right Into:
In Remaining Time AMRAP
9 Double DB Deadlift 70/50
6 Double DB Push Jerk
3 Double DB Lunge Each
*1 Partner performs Triplet while other partner performs dead hang from pull up bar. Partner must be hanging from bar for partner to work on triplet.
B) 3 Sets:
5 Pendlay Row + 10 Sumo Stance RDL + 4 Pendlay Row + 8 Sumo Stance RDL + 3 Pendlay Row + 6 Sumo RDL + 2 Pendlay Row + 4 Sumo RDL
Tempo Pause Eccentric Only Parallette Handstand Push Up @41K1 x 3-6 (Pause at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4)
B) Iso Rope Pull a Part Plate Front Raise Hold x 15 Seconds
Rope Plate Front Raise x 10
Chain Head Supported Bent Over Lateral Raise x 20
Nordic Drop x 5-7
C) 2 Sets:
Rope KB Curl x Max Reps (Use weight that will allow for 10-15 reps)
Drop Weight Into
Rope KB Curl x Max Reps (Use lighter weight that will allow for 8-12 reps)
Single DB Low Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions
Single Leg Reverse Hypers x 12-15