Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle
Metcon (Time)
A) 5 Sets:
3 Position Halting Clean Deadlift (below knee, above knee, mid thigh) @ 3131 x 2 (These are heavy 2, keep positions and engadgement)
Intra set tempo Heels Elevated KB Goblet Squat x 12 (For reps 1-4 pause in bottom for 3 seconds, reps 5-8 perform with a 3 seconds eccentric, reps 9-12 perform no tempo)
B) 4 Sets
Banded Deadlift From Blocks (just above knee) x 3
*video is of how to set band up, NOT THE STANCE)
C) 4 Sets:
9 DB Thruster
Rest 15 Seconds
6 DB Devils Press
Rest 15 Seconds
12 Alternating Single Leg Toe to Bar
18/15 Calorie Row (Increase pace each set)
Rest 90 Seconds between sets