
Oops sorry, tried to post this last night and must not have published it sorry everyone.  Want to say great job to Jake who crushed the squat series yesterday morning, nice job taking your time and focusing on form.  In addition great job to Jolene as well who rocked on the push series and the WOD the fallowed. 2 Rds for time of: 10 shoulder press 5 burpees 10 Push Press 5 Burpees 10 Push Jerk 5 Burpees Jolene 8:50 (good job girl!) This is on the back of some of our Surge shirts. We have them available for sale for $20 for those of you who are interested! We will post the other shirt options soon!
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Skill Work 6 Rds of: 30 second L-sit 30 second Handstand hold When finished with skill work WOD 30-25-20-15-10-5 for time: Sumo Deadlift High pull 75# Men 55# Women Box Jump 24″ Men 20″ Women Supine Row Push Up Ab Mat Sit up For supine row hold a pair of rings or racked bar and walk your feet out in front of you so your holding yourself up.  From that position pull your belly button tight to your spine and lift your hips so your ears, shoulders, hips and ankles are in one straight line.  Proceed by pulling or rowing yourself up to the rings or bar.  Goal is to touch your chest to the bar or pull your chest past the rings.  If you need to challenge yourself more elevate your feet by putting your feet on a bench or box.
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“Fran” For time 21-15-9 of: Thruster #95 men #65 Women Pull ups When Finished Extra Credit 3 Rds no time component 25 Hip Extensions 15 Knee to Elbows This WOD is one of the staple WODs for Functional Fitness.  First and foremost make sure each rep counts, thrusters have to be full squat and full extension overhead and chin has to clear the bar with every pull up.  Dig deep and focus especially when the reps and breathing become a challenge.  Attack this WOD with everything that you have, however if you need to take a step back gather your breath, thoughts and keep working.  Aaron you’ve been waiting for it and here it is.  You know what to expect, attack it and get under that 8 min mark. Thanks to Jolene and Miss Lite for coming in and joining in on some of the fun today. 4 Rds 30...
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Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 What does this mean? Today we are working to find a new 5 rep PR for back squat, however this doesn’t mean include your warm up sets as part of your working 5 rep working sets. Let the first two sets work up to your current 5 rep PR, once this is accomplished the next two sets are for setting a new PR. Make sure to pull your belly button tight to your spine and flex strong, kept your chest up and look straight ahead.  Once your set take a deep breath and reach back your butt back, push your knees out hard and keep your weight in your heels.  On the ascent up push hard on the out side of your feet and keep your knees over top of your feet.  Drive hard out of your heels keep your mid section tight and chest up, make sure you can read the writing on your...
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Steak and Veggie Kabobs Ingredients: Lean Steak of choice Zuchinni Cherry Tomotes Mushrooms Yellow Squash Red Bell Pepper Directions: Season meat as desired, BBQ and enjoy.  For Kabobs, cut zucchini, pepper, and squash into pieces, place on skewer with tomato, and mushroom. BBQ for about 15-20 minutes until done. Perfect meal for a summer cookout!
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