
WOD Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps Skill Work AMRAP in 2 minutes of Seated Sit-Up Shoulder Press: 3 Rounds for time of: TYI x 10 ea 10# men 8# women HSPU x 5 HSPU hold 30 sec Tuesday Results: Aaron: 145 25 Reps 45# 11:39 As Rxd Shannon: 75  24 Reps 15# DB’s 11:20 Box HSPU/Holds Courtney: 35-45-55-55-45(x8)  I learned that we need 2 1/2lbs plates! 38 reps, 15lbs bar 10:15 HSPU/Holds, TYI @5lbs Great job today guys this wasn’t an easy task at all so great job on the WOD and Skill Work.  Also great job to Mrs. Lite who came in and did AMRAP in 20 mins of 300 meter run with 2 rds of Cindy, she got 2 rds +38 reps.  Jake almost done with the skill portion, great job working on the form with the deadlift, and sumo deadlift high pull.  Rick rocked the squat and push series today. ...
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HUGE thanks to everyone that came out today! We had a awesome turnout, and lots of kids to cheer on their parents! The guys wet first, with 5 participating. Using Cindy with a run as a warm up was such a great way to get started! You guys rocked it! Here are the team results, we were only able to go 27 min in teams of two except for Brandon who had to do it all by himself! Aaron and Jake :570 total reps Chip and Shannon: 494 total reps( and Chip’s  first Functional Fitness workout ever!) Brandon: 595 total reps Then the girls went and crushed it! We lucked out and didn’t have to do Cindy as our warm-up! Court was very thankful for even numbers so she didn’t have to do it alone! The girls did have 30mintes to do the WOD Karmen and Helena: 532 total reps (Also...
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HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! We are going to to be doing two classes tomorrow morning. Since we have so many couples that have little kiddo’s, we re going to break it up a little different and have a guys class and a girls class.  Court will be coaching the guys class and Brandon will be participating and Brandon will coach the girls class and Court will be participating. Stayed tuned for which HERO WOD we will be doing tomorrow! See you all then! Memorial Day WOD Thanks to FRCF for the idea behind this WOD.  This past Friday, May 28th the US took its 1000th casualty in Afghanistan.  This workout will be in honor of all those who have fallen fighting for all of us.  The Memorial 1000 1000 reps for time of: push-ups pull-up sit-up squat kettlebell swing wall ball ball slam burpee lunge dips Tuck Jump You can do the exercises...
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Sorry for the delayed post! We are not doing a WOD at the gym today but if you are still doing a WOD today here ya go! “The Seven” Seven rounds for time of: 7 Handstand push-ups 135 pound Thruster, 7 reps 7 Knees to elbows 245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps 7 Burpees 7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood 7 Pull-ups Congrats to Jolene today for such a great WOD. She learned Suspine row, ab mat sit-ups, box jumps, and overhead walking lunges. Then we put them to good use in the following modified ladder WOD: 5/10/15/15/10   Jolene 13:34 Suspine row(stayed at 6 reps the entire round) Ab mat sit-ups Box Jumps, 20″ Overhead Walking Lunges
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“Nutts” For Time: 10 Handstand push-ups 250# Deadlift, 15 reps 25 Box Jump 30″ men 24″ women 50 Pull Ups 100 Wallball shots 10′ 20# men 14# women 200 Double-unders Run 400 meters w/45 LB Plate Today we ‘re doing a new Hero WOD.  For those of you who don’t know, Functional Fitness has a large military influence, and is very dedicated to this great country of ours.  Therefore when a soldier, officer, fireman, or anyone else who helps protect and fight for our freedom falls, Functional Fitness HQ dedicates a WOD in their honor.  Today’s WOD is “Nutts” and it’s dedicated to Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii...
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