Tuesday 100601

  • WOD
  • Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Skill Work

AMRAP in 2 minutes of Seated Sit-Up Shoulder Press:

3 Rounds for time of:

  • TYI x 10 ea 10# men 8# women
  • HSPU x 5
  • HSPU hold 30 sec

Tuesday Results:

Aaron: 145

  • 25 Reps 45#
  • 11:39 As Rxd

Shannon: 75

  •  24 Reps 15# DB’s
  • 11:20 Box HSPU/Holds

Courtney: 35-45-55-55-45(x8)  I learned that we need 2 1/2lbs plates!

  • 38 reps, 15lbs bar
  • 10:15 HSPU/Holds, TYI @5lbs

Great job today guys this wasn’t an easy task at all so great job on the WOD and Skill Work.  Also great job to Mrs. Lite who came in and did AMRAP in 20 mins of 300 meter run with 2 rds of Cindy, she got 2 rds +38 reps.  Jake almost done with the skill portion, great job working on the form with the deadlift, and sumo deadlift high pull.  Rick rocked the squat and push series today.  He did 1 Rd for time of: 10 back squat, 20 jump rope, 10 shoulder press, 20 jump rope, 10 front squat, 20 jump rope, 10 push press, 20 jump rope, 10 overhead squat, 20 jump rope, 10 push jerk, 20 jump rope, 12:20.  Also it was very inspiring watching you not give up on the overhead squat, it was a sight to see!.

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