
Strength: 10 Minutes to find you 1 RM Clean WOD: Death by Clean With a continuous clock on the first minute perform 1 Power Clean, the second minute perform 2 Power Cleans.  Continue as long a you are able to, once you’re no longer able to complete the given number of reps in that minute your finished.  Prescribed weight is 135#/95#. Watch this video below before coming into the gym. Its a great tutorial about performing the clean.
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Strength: Weighted Pull Up 5-5-5-5 *If your unable to do a weighted pull up sub for strict pull up or kipping pull up if you are unable to do a strict pull up. Pixie’s B-Day WOD: For Time: 50 Steps Lunge 9 Shoulder Press 50 Steps Lunge 27 Push Press 50 Steps Lunge 50 Push Jerk * Each exercise is to be performed with a barbell 65#/45#
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If you haven’t had the chance to see Drew Carey lately, I doubt that you would recognize him.  This article about Drew Carey was written by Robert Moritz in the healthystyle section of Parade.  Please read this and pay attention to his nutritional changes in which he has made.  Many of them sound ironically similar to what we have all been working since day one at Surge Elite Performance & Fitness.  Our favorite parts about this article is that the quotes taken from Carey him self, he lived a life in which he was unhappy with and explains that in his own words.  The next time your having trouble remember that change is hard, no matter how small or big that change maybe.  You’re not alone with your struggles, but if you truly want change there are sacrifices that need to be made in order to accomplish that change.  In addition those sacrifices can...
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Today the Westiminster Police Department is hosting the National Prescription Drug Take- back campaign, the location for the campaign is 9110 Yates St. Westminster, CO 80031.  As part of DEA’s effort to combat rising prescription drug abuse, we are spearheading the first-ever National Prescription Drug Take-back campaign, which will take place at more than locations across the country this Saturday, September 25th, from 10 am to 2 pm. Help out all of our officers and participate if you have any prescriptions that need to be taken back please do.  If you have any questions you can contact Detective Jessica Beren at (303) 658-4415.
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WOD:  Since we will be closed and at the Metro Dash, here are three WOD’s for you to choose from: Option 1: 30 Mile Mountain Bike or Road Bike Ride Option 2: All out effort on all runs Run 800 Meters Rest 3 min Run 400 Meters Rest 2 min Run 400 Meters Rest 2 min Run 200 Meters Rest 1 min Run 200 Meters Rest 1 min Run 200 Meters Rest 1 min Run 200 Meters Option 3: AMRAP in 20 min of: 5 Push ups 10 Sit ups 15 Squats Post times to comments and which WOD you did! Have fun! FOOD JOURNALS!!! Don’t forget your food journals are due today or tomorrow so send them over to us!  Even if your journal is not perfect, your food hasn’t been exactly dailed in etc, still do your journal and sent it to us! Your journal is not a...
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