
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) Surge New Years Eve Tradition “Nutts” For time: 10 Handstand Push Ups 15 Deadlift 250/170 25 Box jumps 30/24 50 Pull Ups 100 Wallball 200 Double Unders 400m Run w/45/25 lbs plate
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (No Measure) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE Box Heel Taps x 8-10 each Single Arm DB Upright Row @2111 x 8 each Russian KB Swing x 12 Single Arm Overhead March x 20 Steps Each B) 2 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Hang Power Clean x 3 (Above the knee) Into: 2 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Hang Power Clean x 2 (Just below the knee) Into: 6 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Power Clean x 1 C) 3 Sets: Single Leg RDL or Split Stance RDL x 8 each Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 Each @ 3113 Barbell Windshield Wipers x 6-10 each Seated Banded High Row x 15-20 Competition Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE Box Heel Taps x 8-10 each Single Arm DB Upright Row @2111 x 8 each Russian KB Swing x 12 Single Arm Overhead March x 20...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 3 Sets: Incline DB Bench x 12-15 Pulling Option: 1) 3-5 Muscle Up 2) 5-10 Strict Pull Up 3) 5 Wt. Pull Up 4) 10-15 Kipping Pull Up 5) 1-2 Rope Climbs B) 3 Rds For Time: 9 Bar Facing Burpee 15 Front Squat 95/65 21 Knee to Elbow Competition Metcon (Time) 4 Sets For Max Reps (Every 2 Minutes) 30 Seconds Shoulder to Overhead Sets 1-2 = Push Press @ 45-55% of Jerk Sets 3-4 = Push Jerk @ 55-65% B) 3 Sets: DB Bench Press x 12-15 Right Into: Max Unbroken Push Ups Right Into: Max Strict Pull Ups C) For Time: 3-2-1 Leg Less Rope Climb 15-12-9 Bar Facing Burpee 15-12-9 Front Squat 95/65 Rest 5 Minutes 5-4-3 Rope Climb 15-12-9 Front Squat 95/65 15-12-9 Bar Facing Burpee 1 Sets 50 GHD Sit Up 50 toe to Ring...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) For Time: (15 Minute Cap) 50/40 Calorie Row 50 Wall Ball 40 Alternating DB Snatch 40 Pull Ups 30 Hand Release Push Ups 20 Kipping Handstand Push Ups or DB Push Press B) 3 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Station 1 = Back Rack Step Back Lunge x 5 each Station 2 = Barbell Hip Thrusts x 10 Station 3 = 1 Minute Rest 3 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Station 1 = Alternating DB Arnold Press x 5-7 Each Station 2 = Banded Front Raise to Band Pull a Parts x 8-12 Station 3 = Rest Competition Metcon (Time) 2 Sets: Snatch Grip Sotts Press@2111 x 2 Into: 2 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) 2 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 Overhead Squat w/2 Second pause at bottom of each squat Into: 15 Minutes: Build to today’s 1 RM....
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a Partner Complete AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Up 15 Air Squats *Partner runs 200m, pick up where your partner left off. Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a Partner Complete AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 5 Strict Pull Ups 10 Push Up 15 Air Squats 5 Strict Handstand Push Ups 10 Step Ups (5/5) 5 Strict Pull Ups 5 Burpee *Partner runs 200m, pick up where your partner left off. Wear a weight vest 3 Sets: Landmine Press x 4-6 @ 2111 LT Rest 30 seconds Landmine Press x 4-6 @ 2111 RT Rest 30 seconds Pone Flat Bent KB Row x 10-12 @ 2111 Rest 30 Seconds Single Leg RDL x 10-12 @ 2111 C) 3 sets of: 1-1-2 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press x 8-10 Rest 45 seconds Rest...
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