Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (No Measure)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE Box Heel Taps x 8-10 each

Single Arm DB Upright Row @2111 x 8 each

Russian KB Swing x 12

Single Arm Overhead March x 20 Steps Each

B) 2 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

Hang Power Clean x 3 (Above the knee)


2 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

Hang Power Clean x 2 (Just below the knee)


6 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

Power Clean x 1

C) 3 Sets:

Single Leg RDL or Split Stance RDL x 8 each

Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 Each @ 3113

Barbell Windshield Wipers x 6-10 each

Seated Banded High Row x 15-20


Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE Box Heel Taps x 8-10 each

Single Arm DB Upright Row @2111 x 8 each

Russian KB Swing x 12

Single Arm Overhead March x 20 Steps Each

B) 6 Sets: (10 Seconds On/20 Seconds off)

Heidens (Lateral to Laeral Jumps “Speed Skaters)

C) 4 Sets

5 Box Jump

15 Seconds Bike Sprint

D) 3 Sets:

3 High Hang Power Clean


3 Sets:

3 Hang Power Clean


4 Sets:

3 Power Clean @ 70-80%

E) 3 Sets:

Single Arm DB Chainsaw Row x 8-12 each

Seated Banded High Elbow Row x 15-20

Side Plank Crunches x 15-20 Each

E) For Time:

20 Box Get Overs 48/40″

90/65 Calorie Row

20 Box Get Overs

Rest 3 Minutes

15 Box Get Overs

60 Calorie Row

15 Box Get Overs

Rest 3 Minutes

10 Box Get Overs

30 Calorie Row

10 Box Get Overs