
If only this was true, I remember like it was yesterday.  I was finishing my degree program of Human Performance and Sport with a minor in Nutrition.  I was working at a health club and decided to take the tools I had been taught and apply them to the members of the club. At the time my knowledge consisted of the FDA food guide pyramid, which now looking back and seeing the current state of our health in America might not have been the best recommendation for food. Along with that a simple calorie-based calculations to illicit weight loss or weight gain. The calculation was so simple. For example, when it came to weight loss, typically the recommendation is 1-2 lbs per week.  It takes 3500 calories to lose 1 pound of body weight.  Therefore, if you wanted to lose 1-2 pounds per week a simple calculation would show that...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) A) 1 Sets: Ring YTW x 6 each Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 ( Banded Triple Threat x 6-8 Side Lying Hip Adduction x 20 each B1) 4 Sets Bench Press x 3-3-3-Max Reps (3+) Set 1 = 65% Set 2 = 75% Set 3 = 85% Set 4 = 95% B2) 4 Sets Low Incline Single Arm Banded DB Incline Press x 8-8-6-6 each B3) 4 Sets Banded Face Pulls x 20 C1) 3 Sets 3 Position Flat Bench Barbell Row x 5 each (wide, normal, Supinated grip close) C2) 3 Sets Banded Single Arm DB Bent Over Row x 6-8 each C3) 3 Sets Band Pull a Parts Drop x 45 Reps 1-15 reps = heavy band Reps 16-30 = medium band Reps 31-45 = light band D) 6 Sets: Alternating Movements For Reps: 20...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) Barbells For Boobs With a Partner Perform: “Helen” 3 Rds 400m Run 21 KB Swings 12 Pull Ups Right into “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 1 Sets: Banded TKE x 10 Banded Spanish Squat x 10 ( Ring YTW x 6 each Supine Reverse Plank x 10 Medball Overhead Slam x 10 4 Sets: (Alternate Movements Every 2 Minutes) Station 1 = 3 Position Power Clean (Above knee, at knee, floor) Station 2 = 2 Shoulder Press + 3 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk For Time: 35 Wall Ball 50 Sit Up 35 Wall Balls *EMOM perform 5 burpee Metcon (Time) A) 1 Sets: Banded TKE x 10 Banded Spanish Squat x 10 ( Ring YTW x 6 each Supine Reverse Plank x 10 Medball Overhead Slam x 10 B) 4 Sets: Split/Push Jerk x 2RM (Build to today’s 2RM) 1 Set: Split/Push Jerk x 2 @90% of today’s 2RM C) 4 Sets: Front Squat x 2 (Build quick to today’s 2RM)...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (No Measure) 4 Sets: (EMOM) Minute 1 = 12/10 Calorie Row Minute 2 = 12-15 Incline DB Press Minute 3 = 12/10 Calorie Bike Minute 4 = Max Rep DB Skull Crushers Minute 5 = 60 Double Unders Minute 6 = Max Rep DB Curls Minute 7 = Rest Metcon (No Measure) :30 Neck Rolls (R/L) :30 Shoulder Rolls (Forward/Backward) :30 Small Arm Circles (Forward/Backward) :30 Big Arm Circles (Forward/Backward) :30 Hip Circles (R/L) :30 Knee Circles (R/L) :30 Ankle Circles (Right Foot/Left Foot) :30 Calf Raises 1:00 Toe Touches (Standing – reaching towards the floor. Similar to a deadlift, but rounding the back is okay. Ease into this) 1:00 Alternating Cossack Squats 1:00 Alternating Lunge Elbow to The Floor 1:00 Air Squats :30 Thoracic Rotations (R/L) :30 Cat Cows :30 Birddogs (Each Side) 1:00 Upward Dog to Downward Dog Transitions 3...
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