Friday, October 22, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 1 Sets:

Banded TKE x 10

Banded Spanish Squat x 10 (

Ring YTW x 6 each

Supine Reverse Plank x 10

Medball Overhead Slam x 10

4 Sets: (Alternate Movements Every 2 Minutes)

Station 1 = 3 Position Power Clean (Above knee, at knee, floor)

Station 2 = 2 Shoulder Press + 3 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk

For Time:

35 Wall Ball

50 Sit Up

35 Wall Balls

*EMOM perform 5 burpee

Metcon (Time)

A) 1 Sets:

Banded TKE x 10

Banded Spanish Squat x 10 (

Ring YTW x 6 each

Supine Reverse Plank x 10

Medball Overhead Slam x 10

B) 4 Sets:

Split/Push Jerk x 2RM (Build to today’s 2RM)

1 Set:

Split/Push Jerk x 2 @90% of today’s 2RM

C) 4 Sets:

Front Squat x 2 (Build quick to today’s 2RM)

1 Set:

Front Squat x 2 @90% of today’s 2RM)

3 Sets:

3 Snatch Pulls + 3 High Hang Snatch Pull

1 Set:

AMRAP in 1 Minute

Max Rep Strict Handstand Push Ups

Rest 2 Minutes:

AMRAP in 1 Minute

Max Rep Kipping Handstand Push Ups

For Time:

25 Overhead Squat 95/65

50 Toe to Bar

25 Overhead Squat

*EMOM including 0:00 Perform 5 Burpee