
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) With a Partner Perform: 2 sets AMRAP in 12 minute 250 Double Unders 70 Single DB Step Ups 50/35 60 Dips 50 Wall Balls In Remaining Time Max Burpee box jump overs 24″/20″ *Partner 1 performs given movement *Partner 2 can switch in at anytime, but must perform 12/9 calorie Row or 15/10 Calorie Bike Rest 6 Minutes Between Sets Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) With a Partner Perform: 2 sets AMRAP in 12 minute 250 Double Unders 70 Single DB Step Ups 60/40 60 Ring Dips 50 Wall Balls 30/20 In Remaining Time Max Burpee box jump overs 24″/20″ *Partner 1 performs given movement *Partner 2 can switch in at anytime, but must perform 12/9 calorie Row or 15/10 Calorie Bike Rest 6 Minutes Between Sets B) 3 Sets: DB Close Grip Incline Press x 6-8 Fat Bar...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 2 Sets: Foam Roll Serratus Wall Slide x 5 ( Tempo Push Up with Protraction x 5 @ 3012 ( Medball Squeeze Glute Bridge x 10-15 Medball Stir the Pots x 8-12 each B) AMRAP in 6 Minutes 5 Front Squat (Goblet Squat) or Overhead Squat 155/105 (70/55) 7 Pull Up Rest 4 Minutes AMRAP in 6 Minutes 7 Front Squat (Goblet Squat) or Overhead Squat 95/65 (70/55) 5 Pull Up C) 3 Sets: DB Bench Press 8-8-Max Reps (use a weight for sets 1-2 that you could perform 10-12 reps with, then perform max reps with same weight for last set) Supinated Grip Inverted Barbell Row x 6-8 (Get as horizontal as possible or add weight or band tension) Competition Metcon (Time) 2 Sets: Foam Roll Serratus Wall Slide x 5 ( Tempo Push Up with Protraction x 5 @...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 4 Sets: AMRAP in 4 Minutes: 8 Plate Bent Over Row 45/25 8 Plate Scissors (4/4) 8 Plate Thrusters 8 Plate Hops 8 Plate Ground to Overhead 8 Plate Russian Twist 4 Burpee Over Plate Rest 1 minute between sets, pick up where you left off. Metcon (No Measure) Gymnastics
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: 1 Minute Jump Rope (no shoes) 8 Point Plank x 15-20 Seconds Heels Elevated Hamstring Curls x 10-15 ( PVC Zombie Squat x 5 PVC Overhead Squat x 5 B) 3 Sets: Overhead Squat @ 2111 x 6 C) 4 Sets: Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean For Time: 400m Run 50 Double Unders 25 Handstand Push Ups or 12 Shoot Throughs 20 Deadlifts 275/205 25 Handstand Push ups or 12 Shoot Throughs 50 Double Unders 400m Run Competition Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded Spanish Squat x 10-15 ( Supine Alternating High Elbow and Low Elbow Ring Row x 10-12 (5-6 each) Heels Elevated Hamstring Curls x 10-15 ( Top Ring Support Hold + Bottom Ring Dip Hold x 5-10 Seconds B) 4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes) Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 3 Sets: Blackburns x 5 Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each Banded Triple Threat x 5 Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts x 10 Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs x 10 Into: 3 Sets: 5 Squat Jumps 10 Single Leg DB/KB RDL Each 15 Banded Glute Bridge 5 Overhead Medball Slams B) For Time: 50 Sit Ups 40 Mountain Climbers 30 Toe to Bar 20 Pull Ups 15 Supine Ring Row 10 Strict Pull Ups Rest Until 15 Minute Mark For Time: 10 Strict Pull Ups 15 Supine Ring Row 20 Pull Ups 30 Toe to Bar 40 Mountain Climbers 50 Sit Up Competition Metcon (Time) A) 3 Sets: Blackburns x 5 Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each Banded Triple Threat x 5 Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts x 10 Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs...
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