
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 Hindu Push Up x 10 Banded Good Mornings x 15 Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15 5 Medball Squat Jump to Overhead Vertical Toss 3 Rds: 400m Run 21 KB Swing 12 Back Squat 225/155 3 Sets Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 each Single Leg Glute Bridge x 20 120 Banded Hamstring Curls (Distribute reps as you wish throughout 3 sets) Competition Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 Hindu Push Up x 10 Banded Good Mornings x 15 Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15 5 Medball Squat Jump to Overhead Vertical Toss B) 10 Minutes: Build to today’s 1RM Behind the Neck Jerk C) 4 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Snatch from Blocks @ 70-80% D)...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (No Measure) :30 Neck Rolls (R/L) :30 Shoulder Rolls (Forward/Backward) :30 Small Arm Circles (Forward/Backward) :30 Big Arm Circles (Forward/Backward) :30 Hip Circles (R/L) :30 Knee Circles (R/L) :30 Ankle Circles (Right Foot/Left Foot) :30 Calf Raises 1:00 Toe Touches (Standing – reaching towards the floor. Similar to a deadlift, but rounding the back is okay. Ease into this) 1:00 Alternating Stepback Lunges 1:00 Alternating Lunge Elbow to The Floor 1:00 Bodyweight RDLs :30 Alternating Scorpion Stretches :30 Cat Cows :30 Birddogs (Each Side) 1:00 Upward Dog to Downward Dog Transitions -Into- 3 Sets: @Easy Pace :30 Jumping Jacks OR Single Unders :30 Push Ups 1:00 Air Squats 1:00 Burpees
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Prone Blackburns x 5 Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each GHD Hip Extension x 10-15 Supine Ring Face Pulls x 8-12 Single Arm Overhead Squat @3111 x 6-8 each Tempo GHD Sit Ups @21×1 x 10-15 For Time: (35 minute cap) 15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Wall Ball Toe to Bar Double DB Deadlift 70/55 Sit Ups *100m Run Between Sets Competition Metcon (No Measure) A) 2 Sets: Prone Blackburns x 5 Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each GHD Hip Extension x 10-15 Supine Ring Face Pulls x 8-12 Single Arm Overhead Squat @3111 x 6-8 each Tempo GHD Sit Ups @21×1 x 10-15 B) 3 Sets: Overhead Squat @2111 x 8-6-4 Cross Banded YTA + Face Pull to External Rotation + Y Press x 5 each 4 Sets: Deadlift x 7-5-3-1 (Build to RPE 7-8) Barbell Floor...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 1 Sets: Elbow on Knee DB/Plate External Rotation x 10-12 Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 ( Single Arm DB Upright Row x 12 Side Lying Hip Adduction x 15 each Wrist Banded Shoulder Press x 10 Shoulder Elevated Single Leg Glute Thrust x 8-10 each Single arm overhead carry x 45 yards B) 3 Sets: Barbell Bench Press x 6 Bent Over Supinated Grip Barbell Row x 6 *Perform all 3 sets at the same weight. Loading for this 1st week should be moderate. RPE 6-7 C) 10 Rds For Time: 3 Power Clean & Jerk 135/95 3 Bar Facing Burpee Competition Metcon (Time) A) 1 Sets: Elbow on Knee DB/Plate External Rotation x 10-12 Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 ( Single Arm DB Upright Row x 12 Side Lying Hip Adduction x 15 each Wrist Banded Shoulder...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (No Measure) A) 1 set Banded Lateral Steps x 10 each Banded Pull a Parts x 10 Russian Step Up x 8 each ( Banded Diagonal Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Good Mornings x 10 Medball Vertical Toss x 5 A) 5 Sets: Deadlift x 12-10-8-6-4 Rest 15-20 Seconds Wt. Hanging Knee Raise x 10-15 B) 3 Sets Front Rack Reverse Lunge x 6 ea Single Leg Wall Press RDL x 12 each Single Leg Step Up x 24 (12 each) 4 Sets: 6 Hang Power Cleans (ok to build weight as you go here) or 12 KB Swings 6 Burpee Pull Ups 12 Kipping Toes to Rings or V-Ups 18/15 Calorie Row/Bike Rest 90 Seconds
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