Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Prone Blackburns x 5

Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each

GHD Hip Extension x 10-15

Supine Ring Face Pulls x 8-12

Single Arm Overhead Squat @3111 x 6-8 each

Tempo GHD Sit Ups @21×1 x 10-15

For Time: (35 minute cap)


Wall Ball

Toe to Bar

Double DB Deadlift 70/55

Sit Ups

*100m Run Between Sets


Metcon (No Measure)

A) 2 Sets:

Prone Blackburns x 5

Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each

GHD Hip Extension x 10-15

Supine Ring Face Pulls x 8-12

Single Arm Overhead Squat @3111 x 6-8 each

Tempo GHD Sit Ups @21×1 x 10-15

B) 3 Sets:

Overhead Squat @2111 x 8-6-4

Cross Banded YTA + Face Pull to External Rotation + Y Press x 5 each

4 Sets:

Deadlift x 7-5-3-1 (Build to RPE 7-8)

Barbell Floor Press w/chains x 10-8-6-4-2 (Build to RPE 6-7)

2-3 Sets:

20 Handstand weight shifts on box (

10 Medball candlestick roll ups

30 second false grip tuck hang bar (

10 Candlestick roll up Pistols

30 second hang from climbing rope

5 Each lunge to handstand 1/2, 3/4 full (

10-20 Pistols For Quality

10-20 Wall Handstand Plate Up Downs

E) 5 Rds: (EMOM)

Minute 1 = 15-18/12- 14 Calorie Row (45 seconds)

Minute 2 = 12-15/9-12 Calorie Ski (45 seconds)

Minute 3 = 14-18/10-14 Calorie Bike (45 seconds)

Minute 4 = 3-8 Ring Muscle Up