Monday 130218

Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • Walking Lunges x 10 ea
  • Pull Ups x 6-8
  • Double Unders x 20-40


4 Sets: (Top every 2:30)

  • Front Squat x 5
  • ME Pull Ups



Kathy’s B-Day WOD:
For Time/Reps:

  • AMRAP in 2 Minutes Wall Ball
  • 15 Clean & Jerk 135/95
  • AMRAP in 2 Minutes Wall Ball
  • 15 Clean & Jerk 135/95
  • AMRAP in 2 Minutes Wall Ball

*Athletes will perform AMRAP of wall balls during the AMRAP portion of this WOD.  They will go directly in to 15 Clean & Jerks, once they finish 15 Clean & Jerks they will then proceed back to AMRAP in 2 minutes of wall balls.  Score will be the total amount of wall balls completed during 6 minutes of wall balls and then the total amount of time it took to complete the WOD.

  • 75 Hand Release Push Ups For Time
  • Mobility