Monday 121022

Warm Up:3 Rds NFT:

  • Split Squat Switch x 6 ea
  • V-Ups x 12-15
  • Hip To Ring Pull Ups (Pull Ups) x 3-6


  • Split Jerk 4×2 (Top every 90 Seconds)


  • Kipping Handstand Push Ups
WOD: Andrea’s B-Day WOD
AMRAP in 12 Minutes

  • 10 Handstand Push Ups
  • 15 Wall Ball
  • 25 KB Swing
  • Weekly Challenges
  • Mobility

****We want to wish Sarah M a very happy birthday as well and thank her for all her help with out Surge shirts! She is in Mexico visiting her husband, who gets to come home soon! We will do a WOD for her when she gets home!!!

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