Wednesday 110629

Brandon’s Birthday WOD…I know you have all been waiting for/dreading this one so here ya go!

Buy in:  Run 800 Meters


2 Rounds for time:

  • 83 Double Unders
  • 6 Muscle Ups
  • 28 KB Swings 70#/55#
  • 28 Box Jumps 30″/24″
  • 6 Muscle Ups
  • 28 GHD sit ups
  • 28 Power Snatch 95#/65#
  • 6 Muscle Ups

Cash out: 400 Meter Farmers carry 55#/35#

We all had a great time this weekend with Brandon now we get to enjoy this WOD with him!  Also, don’t worry there will be plenty of ways to scale this WOD.

Happy Birthday Bran! Handstands before rafting!
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