Tuesday 101123


  • Barbell Lateral Squat 3 x 8 ea
  • Barbell Step Ups 3 x 8 ea
  • Standing Broad Jump 3 x 6 (Score longest Jump ea. set)


AMRAP in 12 Minutes

  • 5 Hang Clean 135#/95#
  • 7 Push Press 135#/95 #
  • 9 Lateral Stick Jump

Coaches Thoughts: Today we had a different type of strength session and test.  The lateral squats were a little different for most and the step ups provided a nice change in our strength program.  During the standing broad jump phase of the strength wod everyone did a great job bring energy and intensity to the test.  Several athletes excelled during this portion of the workout, Jake H, Susan, Glendon each showed their explosive power.  The AMRAP is a nice test of strength and explosive power, the push press and stick jumps provided a nice twist for most of the athletes.  Jason A rocked the WOD being the only athlete to perform the WOD Rx’d, and Edna did a great job knocking out one of the top scores of the day.