Friday 101105


10 Minute Cap:

Deadlift working off 90% of 1 RM

  • 6 @ 75%
  • 6 @ 80%
  • 5 @ 85%
  • 4+ @ 90%

Benchmark Friday!!!


5 Rds For Time:

  • 400 Meter Run
  • 15 Overhead Squat 95#/65#
Amie I hope this was warm up, cause that too much of a pose to be in the WOD! lol

Coaches Thoughts:  We had an amazing day at the gym from start to finish. This morning Shannon started us off right by knocking out the overhead squats like it was his job.  Than the 8 am session came in and didn’t faultier, Fedility, Devin and Edna all did an outstanding job as well with the overhead squats.  The night class had a great turn out which provided a lot of energy.  It was remarkable watching everyone perform the workout.  Sarah did an outstanding job with the deadlift reping out more weight than she has ever done before, she than continued her performance and rocked the WOD by easily performing the best overhead squats she has done to date.  Along with Sarah’s deadlift performance Karmen turned in an equally amazing performance by reping out 30 reps of her once upon a time 90% max deadlift, and no that’s not a typo she really did 30 reps.  Toughness award of the day has to go to Jason A, who accidentally didn’t get his head out of the way the bar when he was dropping it and let it land on his head.  Now most people would have probably stopped the WOD or at least took some time to recover from a 95# bar landing directly on their head, but Jason isn’t your normal man.  He was too weired that Josh was going to be back before he could finish that he picked the bar and knocked out the last 5 reps, and that was on the 1st round.

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