WOD: AMRAP in 15 min
- 6 Box Jumps up and over
- 6 Single Leg squats on box
- 6 Pull up/Knees to Elbow (perform one pull up, then one knee to elbow)
Coaches Thoughts: Today we had a nice combination of power and coordination. The box jump up and overs turned out to be a nice test for both, in addition the single leg squats added a little test of balance to the WOD. It was great to have Glendon join the WOD tonight which he ended up rocking getting the top score of the day. In addition Josh did an amazing job knocking out all the pull ups Rxd in the WOD for the first time. Also props to Jamie who works everyday on his vertical jump and trying to get the high bar…and he got it today…just by his finger tips! Nice work. PS. We(almost as much as Jamie) really want Anna to move back to Colorado and be part of Surge. Been awesome having you her this week!