Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Metcon (Time)
2 Sets:
Foam Roll Serratus Wall Slide x 5 (
Tempo Push Up with Protraction x 5 @ 3012 (
Medball Squeeze Glute Bridge x 10-15
Medball Stir the Pots x 8-12 each
B) AMRAP in 6 Minutes
5 Front Squat (Goblet Squat) or Overhead Squat 155/105 (70/55)
7 Pull Up
Rest 4 Minutes
AMRAP in 6 Minutes
7 Front Squat (Goblet Squat) or Overhead Squat 95/65 (70/55)
5 Pull Up
C) 3 Sets:
DB Bench Press 8-8-Max Reps (use a weight for sets 1-2 that you could perform 10-12 reps with, then perform max reps with same weight for last set)
Supinated Grip Inverted Barbell Row x 6-8 (Get as horizontal as possible or add weight or band tension)
Metcon (Time)
2 Sets:
Foam Roll Serratus Wall Slide x 5 (
Tempo Push Up with Protraction x 5 @ 3012 (
Medball Squeeze Glute Bridge x 10-15
Medball Stir the Pots x 8-12 each
A) 3 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)
3 Muscle Clean + 1 Full Grip Front Squat + 3 Front Rack Sotts Press
B) 5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)
Hang Clean (Above the Knee) + Clean + Jerk
Sets 1-2 = 2+1+1 @ 70-75%
Set 3=5 = 1+1+1 @ 75-80%
C) 4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)
Push Press x 3 (Building each set)
Single Arm Bent Over Trap 3 Raise x 6 each (Perform fro sets 1-3)(
D) 3 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)
Clean Deadlift x 3 @ 100%
E) AMRAP in 6 Minutes
5 Overhead Squat 155/105
7 Chest to Bar Pull Up
Rest 4 Minutes
AMRAP in 6 Minutes
7 Overhead Squat 115/75
5 Chest to Bar Pull Up