Wednesday 100818


  • Deadlift 5-3-2-1-1-1


AMRAP in 4 Minutes:

  • 6 Wall Ball 20#/14#
  • 4 Deadlift 225#/135#

* Rest 90 seconds between Rds Repeat for a total of 3 Rds

Strenght Results:

  • Jake 205-225-255-275-295-300
  • Shannon 205-225-275-295-300
  • Jess 95-145-195-215-215
  • Amie 95-145-165-185-205-225
  • Courtney S 135-155-175-180-185
  • Justin 165-225-275
  • Susan 135-155-175-185-195-205
  • Rick 205-225-245-265-285-305
  • Jolene 95-115-135-155-165-175

Huge congrats to everyone today. I know that we had almost everyone set a new PR today which is awesome! Super excited to have most of the guys over 300# and lots of ladies over or pushing 200#. Wanted to say an extra congrats to Jolene who pulled 175# and her max before was close to 135#, so nice work girl!

WOD Results:

  • Jake Rd 1: 5+8 Rd 2: 4+4 Rd 3: 4+6  Rx’d
  • Shannon Rd 1 4  Rd 2: 3+7  Rd 3: 4    Rx’d
  • Jess Rd 1: 4  Rd 2: 3+6  Rd 3: 3+6   Rx’d
  • Amie Rd 1:4 Rd 2: 4 Rd 3: 4  Rx’d
  • Aaron Rd 1:6 Rd 2:4+3 Rd 3:4+4 One arm thruster 40# rx’d dead
  • Courtney S Rd 1: 4+8 Rd 2: 4+7 Rd 3: 4+8
  • Justin Rd 1:6 Rd 2: 5+5 Rd 3: 5  16# ball(arms only) 165#
  • Susan Rd 1: 6+4 Rd 2: 5+6  Rd 3: 5+5 Rx’d
  • Rick  Rd 1: 4 Rd 2: 2 + pukie–no rd 3
  • Jolene Rd 1:4+7  Rd 2: 4+7  Rd 3: 4+7 115#

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1 Response
  1. Aaron

    Deadlift 5-3-2-1-1-1 (worked on RTC strengthening, but also took a swing at various DL weights between 135# and 295#, felt good)

    AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
    6 Wall Ball 20# (subbed 40# single arm DB thruster)
    4 Deadlift 225#
    * Rest 90 seconds between Rds Repeat for a total of 3 Rds

    R1: 6 rounds
    R2: 4 rounds + 3 thrusters
    R3: 4 rounds + 4 thrusters