Friday 100813

Benchmark Friday Come join the fun!!!

Angie – For Time

  • 100 Pull ups
  • 100 Push ups
  • 100 Sit ups
  • 100 Squats
Congrats to everyone, especially those that got it RX'd that have never done 100 pull ups in a row before!

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2 Responses
  1. Aaron


    100 PUs (subbed single arm, jumping PUs)
    100 Push-ups (subbed single arm push-ups on an elevated bar, ~30”)
    100 SUs
    100 Squats

    Total Time: 17:38

    Tested the shoulder a bit after getting warmed up and tried to do a few push-ups. Range of motion was only a few inches, maybe 4”. Shoulder is definitely getting better, but I am impatient and want full recovery now.