Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 15 Sit Ups


3 Sets:

  • Barbell Step Ups x 6-8 ea
  • Wt. Pull Ups x 3-5


Mark/Derek’s B-Day WOD:
With a partner perform the Following:

A) AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  • 150m Run
  • 5 Wall Ball
  • 5 Burpee

*Partner A runs 150m, during that time partner B performs AMRAP of 5 Wall Ball, 5 Burpees.  Once partner A returns from the run partners will then trade exercises.  Partner A will pick up where partner B left off.  For example is partner B completes 1 full round and 3 Wall Ball, partner A will begin on the 4th Wall Ball.

Rest 1 Minute

B) AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  • 50m Waiters Walk 40/25
  • KB Swings

*Score is total KB Swings performed.

Rest 1 Minute

C) AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  • 50m Farmers Carry 45/30
  • Pull Ups

*Score is total pull ups performed.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility