
January 26, 2012
Strength/Skill:  4 Sets: Russian Step Up x 8 ea Weighted Pull Up x 4-6 WOD: Benchmark Friday!!! Additional:   Mobility
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skills ropes 1min singles 1min side to side 1 min front back 1 min backwards 2 min DU work im 5 min do one jump rope then stop do 2 JR the stop, then do three… and so on how far can you get in 4 min…. med ball clean work – dead lift med...
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Don’t forget part 2 of the nutrition/goal seminar is tonight at 6:15(no class at 6:15). If you were there for part 1 make sure you bring in you food journal. If you missed part 1 but can make it tonight, there will still be lots of good info for ya!  See you then, let us...
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