
January 24, 2012
Strength/Skill:   WOD: Courtesy of Functional Fitness MBSA) For Load: Power Clean 3-3-3 Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 *Over 3 WORKING sets build up to a heavy triple for power clean.  Bar is allowed to be dropped however, athletes can take no longer than 10 seconds between reps.  After your final set of power clean, take no more then 5...
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W/U skills burgner warm up with snatch – drive through heals,knees, open hips, shrug – tripple ext.. – high elbows outside – muscle snatch – press under the bar – OHS – power snatch WOD run 200m 10 push ups max wall balls untill you drop it. when you drop the ball… run 200m 10...
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