
January 15, 2012
Strength/Skill:  Bench Press 12 Minutes Find 1 RM WOD: AMRAP in 14 Minutes w/Partner: 6 Bench Press @ 60% of 1 RM 1 Rope Climb *Partner A completes 6 reps of bench press and 1 Rope Climb, then Partner B alternates and completes a round.  While your partner is climbing the rope use that time...
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ropes 300 ROM and a good roll out on the rollers -calves – hams – glut – hip flexors – quads – back and lats Skills/Strength kipping swings 10 push ups 12 sit ups to stand up 8 WOD 5 rds 10 Dead lift 65% of their dead lift total 20sec rest 8 Bulgarian squats...
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The gym will be OPEN for open gym today from 9:30 to 11:30.
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