
September 28, 2010
WOD: 3 Rds AMRAP in 1 Minute: Forward Roll (Goal is to not use your hands perform roll and land on feet and stand) Bear Crawl (30 Feet) Hand Stand Walk/Alligator walk Monkey Bar Swing Hollow Rocker Elevated Plank RESULTS:
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Congrats to Justin, Courtney V, and Nate for completing the Metro Dash and rockin it! It was super fun to do the race as a team. Our goal next year is to get 20 of us together to do it!
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Just a quick reminder that the Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 am session is cancelled. Also we have been getting a lot of requests for a Friday night session.  We’re playing with the thought and thinking about running the class at either 5:30 or 5:45, therefore if you have any thoughts or recommendations please let us know.
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