
July 13, 2010
Skill: Medball Clean JB B Day WOD: With a partner complete 3 Rds of: 30 Burpees 40 Medball Clean 20#/14# 50 KB Swings 55#/35# 60 Supine Row Run 100 yrds * Only one person is allowed to work at a time.  You’re not allowed to move onto the next exercise until all the reps are...
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We had a great problem last week of having almost too many people at the 9 o’clock class, definitely a problem we are GLAD to have! However the 10 class has has pretty low attendance and we think that it is because you would all rather get in, get out and then get on with...
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One more last minute reminder that our July Nutrition seminar is tonight at 6:30 at the gym! We will be covering the Paleo Die, what it is, why is makes you TONS more healthy, strong and fit, and how to apply it to your life! See you all soon!
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