
June 13, 2010
Skill Work: 3 Rds For Time: 8 Ring Dips 6 Pull Ups WOD: 20-15-10-5 For Time: Thrusters 85#/55# Box Jump This WOD is a shorter metcon, therefore your goal for this should be to do the box jumps unbroken. Results: Skill Work: Aaron 3:18 Shannon 3:43 Jake: 3:33 Jolene: 4:44 Miss E: 5:08 Court: 3:03 WOD: Aaron: 8:36 as...
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Rest: I want to say enjoy the sun today, but that doesn’t fit! Great work yesterday! Can’t wait to see you all Monday morning! Aaron and Shannon we hope you had fun in Vegas, but not too much fun!
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