
June 7, 2010
Strength WOD: Bench Press 6 x 15 2 x 15 Close Grip 2 x 15 Thumb width from knurling 2 x 15 Pinky on ring WOD: 5 Rds for time: Deadlift x 7  225#/135# Pull Ups x 9 Knee to Elbow x 11 Post WOD: Rope Stretching Series Results: Karmen 17:24 95# George 20:27 as RX’d Rick 22:17 ...
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While  Brandon and I were doing our grocery shopping yesterday, which we do every Sunday, we got to talking about how much money we save by buying good food, having it prepared and ready to eat. Made me think about a lot of comments that I have heard in the past, well not comments but...
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