
May 27, 2010
“Nutts” For Time: 10 Handstand push-ups 250# Deadlift, 15 reps 25 Box Jump 30″ men 24″ women 50 Pull Ups 100 Wallball shots 10′ 20# men 14# women 200 Double-unders Run 400 meters w/45 LB Plate Today we ‘re doing a new Hero WOD.  For those of you who don’t know, Functional Fitness has a large military influence,...
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Oops sorry, tried to post this last night and must not have published it sorry everyone.  Want to say great job to Jake who crushed the squat series yesterday morning, nice job taking your time and focusing on form.  In addition great job to Jolene as well who rocked on the push series and the...
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