Weekend Schedule- Turkey Challenge

We will be closed Saturday due to the Turkey Challenge that will be held at MBS Functional Fitness in Broomfield. It is Saturday and Sunday. We would love to see our Surge family come out, as usual, to support the athletes competing! If you need some Surge gear come by today, we have lots of new gear in stock!

We have the following athletes competing:

Surge Team: Open Division

  • Lance
  • Courtney M
  • Mary
  • CJ
  • Kelsey is on Team Defy(not sure what their team name is πŸ™‚


Men RX:

  • Glendon
  • JD
  • Brandon

Men Open:

  • Jason A

Women’s RX

  • Christina

Workout 1

For time
25 Power snatch
50 Killer rope
20 Power snatch
40 Killer rope
15 Power snatch
30 Killer rope
10 Power snatch
20 Killer rope
5 Power snatch
10 Killer rope

Time limit: 9 minutes

Men RX – 75#’s
Men Open – 65#’s
Women Rx – 55#’s
Women Open – 45#’s

Workout 2A

For total reps
In 2 minutes, complete as many pull ups (Open divisions) or muscle ups (Rx divisions) as possible using no more than 3 attempts. On 3, 2, 1 – GO, you will have 2 minutes to get 3 sets of max pull ups/muscle ups. It is possible to only use only 1 or 2 sets (if you kept going the whole time), but you are given a max of three. Your score will be total reps of one or two, or 3 sets combined.

Athlete jumps to bar and does sets of 30, 20, and then 10 pull ups/muscle ups in the allotted time limit. His score would be 60. The rep must be executed before time expires in order for the rep to count.

Time limit: 2 minutes. There will be a 60 second break between workout 2A and 2B.
Workout 2B

For total load:
In 5 minutes, complete a 3 rep max barbell bear complex:

Barbell Bear Complex:
1 Power clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push press/jerk
1 Back squat
1 Push press/jerk

The completion of the 3-rep max bear complex is when the athlete finishes their 3rd push press/jerk from the back and the bar is held UNDER CONTROL overhead.

Each platform will have:
– One 45# (men)/35# (women) barbell
– 4×45# bumper plates
– 2×25# bumper plates
– 2×15# bumper plates
– 2×10# bumper plates
– 2×5# plates
– 2×2.5# plates

Time limit: 5 minutes

Workout 3

For max reps at 10 stations:
Athlete will have 45 seconds at each station, with 15 seconds of rest between stations.

In order:
1. Power clean
2. Toes to bar
3. Box jump 24/20”
4. Burpee pull-up (Open)/bar muscle-up (Rx)
5. Dumbbell Push press/jerk
6. Killer rope 10’/9’
7. Thruster
8. Pullup
9. Burpee
10. Overhead plate lunge 45/25#’s

Power clean – 155/105#’s (Rx), 135/95#’s (Open)
Dumbbell push press – 40/30#’s (Rx), 35/25#’s (Open)
Thruster – 135/95#’s (Rx), 95/65#’s (Open)

Floater Workout (to be done between 1-4:30pm Saturday, and 9-11:30am Sunday)

Complete 4 rounds for max distance (meters):
Row 1 minute
Rest 30 seconds

The sum of the 4 rounds will be added together for total distance and score. Any damper setting may be used. Belts, helmets, and lifejackets may be used.


Final Workout (Top 12 in each division)

3 Rounds for time:
20 Kettlebell snatches
65 ft. plate carry
12 Burpee plate jumps
65 ft. plate carry

Time limit: 9 minutes

Men RX – 72#’s
Men Open – 53#’s
Women Rx – 44#’s
Women Open – 35#’s

Plate carry (using Hi-Temp bumper plates stacked together)
Men RX – 135#’s
Men Open – 115#’s
Women Rx – 105#’s
Women Open – 90#’s

Movement standards

All Team Workouts

Team Workout 1

Complete 3 stations for time:
Station 1 – 150 Ground to overhead 65#’s (Open)/75#’s (Rx)
Station 2 – 2000 meter row
Station 3 – 400 Killer rope
All four athletes will be allowed on platform to work in any order they desire (non-working member will be taking a knee). Only 3 athletes will work at a time. You may switch as many times as you would like. Workout is finished when all 3 stations have been completed and all four athletes have taken a knee.

Time limit: 10 minutes

Team Workout 2A

For total reps between two partners (one male, one female):
In three minutes, complete as many pull ups (Open divisions) or muscle ups (Rx divisions) as possible using no more than 3 attempts each. On 3, 2, 1 – GO, partners will have three minutes to each get 6 sets of max pull ups/muscle ups. It is possible to only use only 1 or 2 sets each, but you are given a max of three each (6 total). Your score will be total reps of partner’s combined reps.

The rep must be executed before time expires in order for the rep to count.

Time limit: Three minutes. There will be a 60 second break between workout 2A and 2B.

HE MALE/FEMALES THAT DO NOT DO WORKOUT 2A MUST DO 2B. (ie one athlete cannot do both workouts)

Team Workout 2B

For total load between two partners (one male, one female):
In 6 minutes, both partners complete a 3 rep max barbell bear clean complex:
Barbell Bear Complex:
1 Power clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push press/jerk
1 Back squat
1 Push press/jerk

Team Workout 3

One male and one female will be chosen to do the β€œBuffet” workout. The combined reps of both athletes will be the total score.

For max reps at 10 stations:
Athlete will have 45 seconds at each station, with 15 seconds of rest between stations.

In order:
1. Power clean
2. Toes to bar
3. Box jump 24/20”
4. Burpee pull-up (Open)/bar muscle-up (Rx)
5. Dumbbell Push press/jerk
6. Killer rope 10’/9’
7. Thruster
8. Pullup
9. Burpee
10. Overhead plate lunge 45/25#’s


Power clean – 155/105#’s (Rx), 135/95#’s (Open)
Dumbbell push press – 40/30#’s (Rx), 35/25#’s (Open)
Thruster – 135/95#’s (Rx), 95/65#’s (Open)

Team Floater Workout

The male and female that don’t participate in the β€œBuffet” workout are required to do the floater. The combined meters of both athletes will be the total score.

Athlete #1: Complete 4 rounds for max distance (meters):
Row 1 minute
Rest 30 seconds


At the completion of Athlete #1’s fourth 1-minute row, Athlete #2 will take their place on the rower during the 30-second rest period (if you are slow on the switch, it will cut into your row time). Then, Athlete #2 will complete four 1-minute row periods for max distance. The sum of the 8 rounds (1 man + 1 woman) will be added together for total distance and score. One partner will do all four rounds before passing to the next partner.Β  Any damper setting may be used. Belts, helmets, and lifejackets may be used.


Final Workout (Top 12 Teams)

For time:
40 Burpee “buy-in”
Station 1– 20 Kettlebell snatch
Station 2– 20 High box jump 32/28″ (Rx), 28/24″ (Open)
Station 3– 200 double unders (each group, 400 total)
Station 4– 150 β€œWall ball two-fers” 20/14#’s (all divisions)

Kettlebell weights

Men RX – 72#’s
Men Open – 53#’s
Women Rx – 44#’s
Women Open – 35#’s

Team will pair their men and women together with one set of partners on station 1 and the other on station 2. Only one partner will work at a time at each station. On 3,2,1 –Go, one partner in each group will begin doing burpees. Partners may switch as many times as they’d like until 40 burpees have been completed (reps are shared). Once 40 burpees have been completed, each group can move into Station 1 (you don’t have to wait for the other group to finish before starting station 1. You also do NOT have to take a knee after the burpee buy in). One partner from each group begins 20 reps of either box jump or KB snatch. Once the first partner completes their reps, they take a knee and the second partner completes their reps. Once all partners have completed their reps, they must take a knee before switching. The group that was at station 1 will move to station 2, the group that was at station 2, will move to station 1. The sequence will repeat with the groups in the new stations untill completion.

At the completion of all partners completing their reps at stations 1 and 2, they must all take a knee before switching back to their original starting point (if the men started at the KB snatch, they will return to the KB snatch station (this is also where they placed their jump ropes). Each group will then share 200 double unders (400 for the team), switching as often as they choose. Once 200 double unders at each group have been completed, all members will take a knee before switching to the final station of 150 wall ball two-fers.