Weekend Recap

Just wanted to give a big shout out to Trevor and Brandon for competing in the Turkey Challenge this weekend.  We are so incredibly proud of Trevor for finishing in the Top 6 out of 20 in the Men’s Pro division. Trevor (underestimating himself) went into the weekend thinking he was going to be last, and of course he wasn’t! He held his own on Saturday but the 1RM clean and front squat left him headed into Sunday in 17th place.  He came into Sunday with a vengeance finishing in the top 5 in the 4 min AMRAP of bar  muscle ups/double unders and 4 min AMRAP of stick jumps and 30# wall balls. He crushed the obstacle course, and then went unbroken on 315lb dead lifts x8 for 3 rounds, with 400m runs in between. Pretty sure that 2 years ago Trevor PR’s his 1RM dead lift at 335#. Talk about hard work paying off and strength increases!!

The Top 12 guys were invited to do the first part of the final which was released on the spot. The WOD was 4 Min AMRAP of 16 pull ups and 8 box step overs with 75# sandbag. The the top 6 guys did the 2nd part of the final, which was 21 Cal on the ski erg, 3 rope climbs, 15 cal, 2 rope climbs, 9 cal, 1 rope climb then 20 30″ box jumps. This WOD looked miserable…especially for those that had never done the the ski ERG before. This was a WOD of straight determination and heart, of which Trevor has both! Trevor finished 5th. I am pretty sure I lost my voice cheering for him!

Brandon and I could not be more proud of Trevor for his consistent training, dedication and all out heart that he showed this weekend! Trevor is proof that you don’t have to be 200#’s to be REALLY good at Functional Fitness!!

Brandon’s weekend did not go as planned. I truly believe that he is cursed when it comes to competing the fall and winter. For the second time he came down with some stomach bug/flu  on Saturday morning of the Turkey Challenge. About an hour before WOD #1 the puking started and lasted through the end of the day on Sunday. Because Brandon is stubborn and competitive he chose to do both WOD’s on Saturday, and did fairly well all things considered. His handstand walks were great and he hit 300# on the front squat and clean. Sunday morning was as bad if not worse than Sat. He got through the obstacle course and the 4 min AMRAP’s. But we all thought he was going to pass out in the wall balls and stick jumps. He finally was forced to make the “smart” decision and withdraw before the 4th WOD. Anyone that watched him this weekend, it was pretty obvious that he was not himself. It is very hard as his wife and coach to watch him feel so bad and keep pushing but that is the heart of a true competitor. I am very proud of him for trying to compete but as proud of him for making the better decision to withdrawal before making himself even worse!

Lauren did the weightlifting meet at Roots this weekend and got another meet PR. She snatched 47K and clean and jerk PR of 61Kg. We are very proud of her and also of coach Adam for coaching his first Oly meet. Not sure who was more nervous, Adam or La.

Thank you to everyone that came out to cheer on our athletes and show there Surge spirit! You are all truly the best!!