Wednesday, July 7, 2015


Warm Up:

  • 50 Russian KB Swings


A) 5 Sets: (EMOM)

  • Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (Just Below Knee)

B) 3 Sets:

  • Strict Pull Up x 4-6
  • Band Pull a Parts x 20


With a Partner Complete 5 Rds Each:

  • 10 Bench Press @70-75% of 1RM
  • 20yrd DB Walking Lunge
  • 10yrd Seal Disk Plank Walk

*Partners Alternate Complete Rounds. Athlete 1 performs bench press, lunges and seal walk.  Then Athlete 2 performs bench, press, lunges, and seal walk this equal 1 round for each athlete.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

  • 50 Russian KB Swings


A) 5 Sets: (EMOM)

  • Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (Just Below Knee) @ 60% of 1RM

B) 3 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Wt. Strict Pull Up x 6 (AHAP)

C) 2 Sets: (Perform After WOD)

  • Cuban Press x 10
  • Bent Over Barbell Row x 8 @ 65% of 1 RM Snatch
  • Band Pull a Parts x 20


With a Partner Complete 5 Rds Each:

  • 10 Bench Press @70-75% of 1RM
  • 20yrd DB Walking Lunge
  • 10yrd Seal Disk Plank Walk

*Partners Alternate Complete Rounds. Athlete 1 performs bench press, lunges and seal walk.  Then Athlete 2 performs bench, press, lunges, and seal walk this equal 1 round for each athlete.



Warm Up:

  • 50 Russian KB Swings


A) 5 Sets: (EMOM)

  • Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (Just Below Knee) @ 60% of 1RM

*Goal to increase weight each week 5-10#

B1) 4 Sets: (Every 2:30)

Back Squat

  • Set 1 = 5 Reps @ 70%
  • Set 2-4 = 5 Reps @ Drop Wt. of 25# if 70% is below 440#, and 35# if 70% is above 440#

*Goal to increase sets 2-4 each week by 10# if 70% is below 440#, and a 20# increase each week if 70% is above 440#.

B2) 4 Sets:

  • Wt. Strict Pull Up x 6 (AHAP)

*Goal to increase load from last week.

C) 2 Sets: (Perform After WOD)

  • Cuban Press x 10
  • Bent Over Barbell Row x 8 (Increase 5# from last week)
  • Band Pull a Parts x 20
  • Isometric Hip Ext Hold x 45 Seconds


With a Partner Complete 5 Rds Each:

  • 10 Bench Press @70-75% of 1 RM
  • 20yrd DB Walking Lunge
  • 10yrd Seal Disk Plank Walk

*Partners Alternate Complete Rounds. Athlete 1 performs bench press, lunges and seal walk.  Then Athlete 2 performs bench, press, lunges, and seal walk this equal 1 round for each athlete.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility