Wednesday Essentials 120125

burgner warm up with snatch
  • – drive through heals,knees, open hips, shrug – tripple ext..
  • – high elbows outside
  • – muscle snatch
  • – press under the bar
  • – OHS
  • – power snatch
  • run 200m
  • 10 push ups
  • max wall balls untill you drop it.
  • when you drop the ball…
  • run 200m
  • 10 push ups
  • max wall balls
*WOD finishes when you reach 100 wall balls
ESSENTIALS CLASS TIME CHANGES FOR THE FUTURE OF EVERY  MONDAY, WEDNESDAY  FROM 6:00 TO 6:15 PM.  But i still do encourage you to come in early and do some mobility work and practice jump rope.