Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 4 Sets:

Hang Power Clean + 3 Seconds Eccentric to Floor + Power Clean

B) For Time:

750/600m Row

50 Wall Ball

25 Burpee

15 Power Clean 185/125

C) If Time Permit Perform:

2-3 Sets:

20-40 Seconds Wall Sit

15-20 Band Pull a Parts (Supinated)

20-40 Seconds Hollow/Tuck Hold

15-20 Band Pull a Parts (Pronated)

20-40 Seconds Iso Hip Extension Hold


Metcon (Time)

A) 3 Sets:

Single Leg Box Jump x 3 each

1/2 Kneeling Medball Lateral Toss x 5 each

B) 4 Sets:

Depth Drop to Broad Jump x 5

15 Seconds Bike Sprint

C) 6 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

Deadlift x 3-2-1-3-2-1

Set 1 = 75%

Set 2 = 80%

Set 3 = 85%

Set 4 = 80%

Set 5 = 85%

Set 6 = 90%


4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

Power Clean + Front Squat x 1.1 @ 80-85%

*Perform 1 Power Clean + Front Squat, drop the bar and perform same sequence once more.

3 Sets:

AMRAP in 90 Seconds

10 Strict Deficit Handstand Push Ups 4/2″

In Remaining Time Perform:

AMRAP Power Cleans

Rest 90 Seconds

*Set 1 = 60%

Set 2 = 65%

Set 3 = 70%

3 Sets For Reps:

Minute 1 = Row For Calories

Minute 2 = Wall Balls

Minute 3 = Burpee Bar Muscle Up

Minute 4 = Rest