Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Unilateral Lower

3 Sets:

DB Step Up x 12 (6/6)

Rest 20 Seconds

Double DB/KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat @21×1 x 7 each

Rest 20 Seconds

Max Rep KB Goblet Squat x 30 Seconds

Rest 2 Minutes


3 Sets:

Prone on Bench DB Row Iso Hold x 30-45 Seconds

Prone on Bench DB Row x 15-20

Prone on Bench DB Lateral Raise x 12-15

Rest 2 minutes (During Rest perform 25 Seconds Medball Russian Twist + 25 Seconds Plank on Forearms x 2 sets)


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets:


Back Squat

3 Minutes Rest

*Keep Rest Strict. See if you can keep or exceed last weeks 20 rep set. Goal is to keep that or as close as possible for all 3 sets.


2 Sets:

Prone on Bench DB Row Iso Hold x 30-45 Seconds

Prone on Bench DB Row x 15-20

Prone on Bench DB Lateral Raise x 12-15

Rest 2 minutes (During Rest perform 30 Seconds Medball Russian Twist + 30 Seconds Wt. Plank Hold on Forearms x 2 sets)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4-6 Sets:

20 ft. Handstand Walk (20 Handstand Shoulder Taps)

4 L or Knee Tuck Hold Strict Pull Ups (30 Seconds Hanging L or Tuck Hold)

2 Tempo Push Ups @90×1 (18 Regular Push Ups

8/6 Calorie Ski


1 Set:

Max Rep Stationary Dips

Rest 1 Minute

Max Rep Stationary Dips