Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Warm Up:2 Sets:

  • Band Pull a Parts x 10
  • Banded W’s x 10
  • Banded Victory x 10


A) 3 Sets:

  • Hollow Hold x 5-7 Seconds
  • Handstand Position Wall Drill x 5-10 Seconds
  • Inch Worm Handstand Hold x 5-10 Seconds
  • Box Handstand Hold x 5-10 Seconds
  • Push Up Hand Over Hand Drill x 5 ea.

Goal here is to get everyone comfortable, or improve your position upside down.  If you have handstand walks don’t take these drill lightly, goal is to make these a virtuous as possible. Work for Quality movement.


3 Rds For time:

  • Run 400 Meters
  • 21 Burpee
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:2 Sets:

  • Band Pull a Parts x 10
  • Banded W’s x 10
  • Banded Victory x 10


A) 3 Sets:

  • Push Up Hand Over Hand Drill 5 ea.
  • Handstand Shoulder Shrugs x 5
  • Handstand Weight Shifts and Lifts x 5 ea.
  • Handstand Box Walk x 1 ea. Direction
  • Handstand Wall Shuffle x 5-7 ea.

*Alternate Facing away from the wall and facing the wall each set.  This is going to progress throughout the up coming weeks.  Goal here is to get everyone comfortable, or improve your position upside down.  If you have handstand walks don’t take these drills lightly, goal is to make these a virtuous as possible. Work for Quality movement.

B) 3 Sets: (Perform After WOD)

  • Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row x 10
  • Wt. Dips x 10


3 Rds For time:

  • Run 400 Meters
  • 21 Burpee (Open Standards)


Warm Up:

2 Sets:

  • Band Pull a Parts x 10
  • Banded W’s x 10
  • Banded Victory x 10


A) 5 Sets: (EMOM)

  • High Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats @ 65% of 1RM Snatch

*Goal to increase 5-10# each week.

B) 4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

  • Pause Front Squat x 2 @ 23X1 @75% of 1 RM FS

*Goal is minimum increase each week by 5# if 75% is below 265#, and a 10# increase each week if 75% is above 265#.

C) 4 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Snatch Grip Deadlift x 3 @100% of 1 RM Snatch

*Goal is minimum increase each week of 5# is 100% is below 220# and a 10# increase if 100% is above 220#.  (Focus on bar patch through out the deadlift)

D) Optional Skill Work After WOD

3 Sets:

  • Push Up Hand Over Hand Drill 5 ea.
  • Handstand Shoulder Shrugs x 5
  • Handstand Weight Shifts and Lifts x 5 ea.
  • Handstand Box Walk x 1 ea. Direction
  • Handstand Wall Shuffle x 5-7 ea.

*Alternate Facing away from the wall and facing the wall each set.  This is going to progress throughout the up coming weeks.  Goal here is to get everyone comfortable, or improve your position upside down.  If you have handstand walks don’t take these drill lightly, goal is to make these a virtuous as possible.


3 Rds For time:

  • Run 400 Meters
  • 21 Burpee (Open Standards)
  • 10 Minutes Mobility