Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Pause Push Jerk x 2 increase weight used from last week 3-5%

*Pause for 3 Seconds in dip then drive.

B) 3 Sets:

  • Bent Over Barbell Row x 8
  • 3 Way DB Shoulder Complex x 10 ea. (Bent Over Lateral Raise, Lateral Raise, Front Raise)
  • DB Hang Pull x 12


5 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

  • 200m Run
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Pause Push Jerk x 2 @ 65% of 1RM Clean and Jerk +5# if 65% is less then 220# and +10# if 65% is greater then 220#

*Pause for 3 Seconds in dip then drive.

B) 2 Sets: (Rest 3 Minutes between Sets)

  • Incline DB Press x ME

*Goal is to increase weight in which you used last week and meet or exceed the amount of reps you completed on each set. Rest 3 Minutes between sets.

C) 3 Sets:

  • Bent Over Barbell Row x 8
  • 3 Way DB Shoulder Complex x 10 ea. (Bent Over Lateral Raise, Lateral Raise, Front Raise)
  • DB Hang Pull x 12


5 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

  • 200m Run
  • 15 Pull Ups


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Halt Clean x 2 @ 75% of 1 RM + 5# is 75% is less then 265# and +10# if 75% is greater then 265#

*Pause for 3 Seconds at knees.

B) 4 Sets: (Every 2:30)

  • Back Squat x 8 @ 70% + 10# is 70% is less then 330# and +20# if 70% is greater then 330#

C) 5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Pause Push Jerk x 2 @ 65% of 1RM Clean and Jerk +5# if 65% is less then 220# and +10# if 65% is greater then 220#

*Pause for 3 Seconds in dip then drive.

D) 2 Sets: (Rest 3 Minutes between Sets)

  • Incline DB Press x ME

*Goal is to increase weight in which you used last week and meet or exceed the amount of reps you completed on each set. Rest 3 Minutes between sets.

E) 3 Sets:

  • Bent Over Barbell Row x 8
  • 3 Way DB Shoulder Complex x 10 ea. (Bent Over Lateral Raise, Lateral Raise, Front Raise)
  • DB Hang Pull x 12


(Optional Conditioning WOD)


5 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

  • 200m Run
  • 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 10 Minutes Mobility