Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Workout Intent: Breath work, shoulder muscular endurance and midline stability.


Warm Up:

2 Sets

  • Reverse V-Up x 15-20
  • Serratus Floor Press x 8-10
  • ½ Turkish Get Up (Turkish Get Up to Lunge then back down) x 4 ea



With a Partner Perform For Time:

  • 400m Run
  • 60 DB Shoulder to Overhead (Partner Hang From Pull Up Bar)
  • 300m Run
  • 80 Knee Raises (Partner Stone Bear Hug Hold)
  • 200m Run
  • 60 Calorie Row (Partner Hold Wall Sit w/single KB in Front Rack)


  • Mobility


Warm Up:

2 Sets

  • Reverse V-Up x 15-20
  • Serratus Floor Press x 8-10
  • ½ Turkish Get Up (Turkish Get Up to Lunge then back down) x 4 ea



With a Partner Perform For Time:

  • 400m Run
  • 40 DB Split Jerk Complex (Partner Hang From Pull Up Bar) 40/30
  • 300m Run
  • 50 Hanging Leg Raises Over Stick (Over and Back = 1 rep) (Partner Stone Bear Hug Hold)
  • 200m Run
  • 60 Calorie Row (Partner Hold Wall Sit w/single KB in Front Rack 45/26)

*DB Split Jerk Complex = With 2 Doubles in Rack Position athlete performs single arm split jerk with RT arm, then single arm split jerk with LT, then split jerk with both arms

*Hanging Leg Raises = Set up a vertical bench or stick, hanging from a pull up bar with straight legs lift your feet up and over from one side of the object and then back, this equals 1 rep.

  • Mobility


Warm Up:

2 Sets

  • Reverse V-Up x 15-20
  • Serratus Floor Press x 8-10
  • ½ Turkish Get Up (Turkish Get Up to Lunge then back down) x 4 ea




With a Partner Perform For Time:

  • 400m Run
  • 40 DB Split Jerk Complex (Partner Hang From Pull Up Bar) 50/35
  • 300m Run
  • 50 Hanging Leg Raises Over Stick (Over and Back = 1 rep) (Partner Stone Bear Hug Hold)
  • 200m Run
  • 60 Calorie Row (Partner Hold Wall Sit w/single KB in Front Rack 55/35)

*DB Split Jerk Complex = With 2 Doubles in Rack Position athlete performs single arm split jerk with RT arm, then single arm split jerk with LT, then split jerk with both arms.  Full Complex = 1 Rep

*Hanging Leg Raises = Set up a vertical bench or stick, hanging from a pull up bar with straight legs lift your feet up and over from one side of the object and then back, this equals 1 rep.

  • Mobility