Wednesday 130612

Warm up:

  • 200m Run
  • Wall Ball x 30
  • Supine Row x 20


4 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

  • Bear Complex x 2 (Building and NO DROPPING Bar between Reps)
  • 1 Chest to Bar Pull Up + 1 Hip to Bar Pull Up + 1 Bar Muscle Up


Bobby’s B-Day WOD:
3 Rds For Time:

  • 600m Run
  • 9 Bar Muscle Ups
  • 6 Bear Complex 135/95

*1 Rep Bear Complex = Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk, Back Squat, Rack Jerk.  Athlete will be allowed to drop the bar after completing the Rack Jerk.

  •  10 Minutes Shoulder Mobility

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