Wednesday 110323

We want to start by saying thanks to everyone for understanding the cancellation of classes last night. We were at the hospital with Brandon’s grandma and family for about 9 hours last night before she went to heaven. Brandon is blessed with an amazing family and I believe his got all of his stubbornness form his Grandma, so we can thank her for that 🙂  Although she will be missed we are thankful that she will no longer be suffering and can be in peace now. 

We will be doing two different WOD’s today. The morning classes will do:

For 10 min @ the top of each min:

  • 3 Chest to Bar pull ups


  • 3 min power snatch AMRAP
  • 3 min rest
  • 2 min power snatch AMRAP
  • 2 min rest
  • 1 min power snatcch AMRAP

Weight should increase with each set, work on form and speed.

The evening classes will do “Kelly” from yesterday. We don’t want anyone to miss out on the benchmark WOD!

(If you came to the morning class yesterday and are coming to the night class tonight you will do the first WOD)